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  • Writer's pictureLeila Lanzone

Finding your purpose

How do we figure out our purpose? I am filled with this question everyday in trying to figure out Gods plans for me. I want to know what I should do, when and how. will I have resources handed to me or will I have to really work for those to? Sometimes I think about God having a book that has our life mapped out and how it's going to go. You turn to your chapter and start to reading and I imagine if we got to read it before even knowing it was our story, we would be blown away (by how crazy we are) and recommend the book to everyone because the journey you go on with the main character is a wild ride! God is so great that he doesn't need a book about each person and what they're gonna do and where they'll go. BUT if he did, I want it. I just want to be handed that book or have it fall from the sky or be implanted in my head. I would love to get the bigger picture in His plans and understand the way my path will go.

I've heard for awhile now "pray for direction, pray for direction." and I do. I try to plan things out and hope life will run smoothly and run in a straight line for me and my life and Gods plans for me but they NEVER EVER EVER go that way. It just doesn't happen and If I had ANY advice to give it would be to not plan out your life. Don't plan out what you think will happen in a couple years or when you'll have kids, how college will turn out, etc. and that's coming from the ultimate planner who throws a mini fit in her head when things don't go as planned during day to day life. My path in life turned the exact opposite of what I thought it would be. Sometimes I still question why but i know its all for His plans and it turned out to be the greatest plan of all time. I had forsure planned to go to college, play volleyball, room with my best friend and live life like a "typical" college student. I'd do the college things that all the movies make me strive for. I was so pumped.

instead, everything opposite of what I planned had happened ( I swear God as a sense of humor!!) . I stopped playing volleyball, My best friend and I separated, College was in my view but then I got married. Things went totally south and I had such a love hate relationship with everything but also stepping back and looking at how life turned out I've really realized and see how much his way or better then ours! It leaves me speechless to look back at how good his plans are for my life and how perfect His plans lined up together!

Since I lost everything I had my mind set on I realized I had to gain God. I had to be by myself at that time and lean into Him and that was the best decision I made. I was setting into a depression being by myself and trying to figure life out as well as working at home and dealing with family tragedies. Tony and I didn't have a home church and we weren't connected with a church family so I felt like I had no one besides my husband and he can't do everything but he sure felt like I expected that of him. He heard most of the complaining and saw all the tears and still stuck with me! what a guy because i ugly cry like Kim K. My purpose was clear through times of being there for my mom and working from home to help her. Now that my mom is taken care of and is on her next journey in life I became isolated again trying to figure out my purpose. Since my previous experience of planning, I didn't do that / I'm not doing that. I know what my passion is and what I pray about everyday. I'm currently in the season of pursuing and building on dreams that I feel God has blessed me with.

Fact is, I don't see myself working for anyone. the time I get the most joy is being around and talking to people and loving on people. This is where I thrive y'all! So, instead of wallowing in my unforeseen future, all I can do is study what I love. I don't have an answer for you on how to exactly find your purpose because it's not a seek in find. We're dealing with plans from a creator that are SO good beyond our beliefs. From what I've learned and heard from God is patience and faithfulness. When you don't get your way, stay faithful and be patient. But here's the thing. It is no walk in the park. It is studying, trying different things, getting out of your comfort zone, listening, being in constant prayer and doing. God isn't going to hand you things so don't just hold your plate out and ask for your next meal like He's catering to you.That ain't it sis. We are constantly learning and becoming new people so the person you are today may not be the person that you will be in six months ( no matter how old you are and what season in life you're in) and the person that you are in six months is what your future needs in order to be successful and find your path. keep going, listening, PRAYING, and staying faithful. Stop Planning and start doing. Your worth it! You'll be as free as me in the photo below! Ha!

Please feel free to email me or Direct Message me on Instagram for any questions for motivation!

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